Monday, March 05, 2007

Google search tips - part 1

Here are a few search tips that get me in the back door to many PC's and it's completely legal.

For those of you that are familiar with the inner workings of secure servers (password protected) you already know that there is usually an image or two that are actually secure and when the html page attempts to load them you get the password screen prompting you to log in. These tips and a little imagination can have you downloading whatever your heart desires in no time (mp3's, videos, pics, programs, etc.).

I will just post a few of the strings I use and let your imagination go wild. I find that giving to much info feeds the lazy and I am not into that at all.

1. Use this in quotations "index of" This is probably the most powerful of all when combined with other words.
a. Some of the porn sites and other heavy search engine advertisers have gotten wise to this form of search and have started putting links to their porn (pop up sites) within these searches. A way to combat this is to ad a few swear words to the "without the words" box under advanced settings.

2. Want to search a site that don't have a search engine or won't put their good stuff on it if they do? Put this phrase exactly site: in front of the search string and put the site immediately after. You can use this url if that is confusing:
or just go to advanced settings and look for the domain option. Pay close attention to the keywords that the advanced search area puts in your search bar, as many of these commands can be combined in the bar but not in the advance search area. An example of this would be: You can have several exact phrases ( "words inside quotations" ) by just putting quotations around more than one statement in search bar.

3. If you want to narrow down the "index of" search you can ad "parent directory" in quotations as well.

4. OK, here is a test string to show just how powerfull this search is. "index of" mp3 eminem Keep in mind that you only want to click on links that look like this:
Index of /mp3
Index of /music/Eminem - Eminem Show
Index of /tstech/audio

The Index of will be in "BOLD" , be the starting words and will have forward slashes often times follow by more slashes.

This link gives a good demonstration of this in action.
Take note of the information I put in the search box. The first 12 links on this example are all good.

5. I won't give away everything. Given these tips and desire, I think most will be getting it all with Google in no time.

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