Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Microsoft removes genuine validation for ie7

In a somewhat surprising move, Microsoft has made their Internet Explorer 7 browser available to anyone running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, in an update that removes Microsoft's Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation software from the browser.

Before the update, only users running genuine Microsoft products could update from the terrible IE6 browser, but now even those with pirated Windows can update.

"Because Microsoft takes its commitment to help protect the entire Windows ecosystem seriously, we’re updating the IE7 installation experience to make it available as broadly as possible to all Windows users," remarked IE7 program manager Steve Reynolds on the IE Blog. "With today’s 'Installation and Availability Update,' Internet Explorer 7 installation will no longer require Windows Genuine Advantage validation and will be available to all Windows XP users."

The move is likely to give some of the browser market back to Microsoft which it has been losing to strong competitors such as Firefox and Opera.

Mirrors 'could deflect' asteroids

Flying mirrors could save earth from a catastrophic asteroid collision, researchers have claimed.
Up to 5,000 mirrors would be used to focus a beam of sunlight on to the asteroid, melting the rock and altering its orbital path away from earth.

The announcement came after a team at the University of Glasgow compared nine different methods of deflecting near earth objects - asteroids and comets.

A 100m asteroid hits the earth roughly every century.

Orbiting mirrors would be used to focus sunlight on an area of the asteroid - heating the rock to around 2,100 degrees Celsius.

This would create a thrust which would nudge the asteroid off course.

The team found that the orbit of an asteroid 150m across could be sufficiently modified by a swarm of 100 mirrors in a few days.

For an asteroid on the scale of that which is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs, a 5,000-strong fleet of spacecraft would need to focus a beam on the surface for three or more years.

"With only 10 spacecraft flying in formation, each with a 20m mirror, we could deflect a similar size asteroid into a safe orbit in about six months.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Russia builds most powerful vacuum bomb

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday it had tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb.

Russia has tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb, unleashing a destructive shockwave with the power of a nuclear weapon. "The main destruction is inflicted by an ultrasonic shockwave and an incredibly high temperature," the report said. "All that is alive merely evaporates."
"Test results of the new airborne weapon have shown that its efficiency and power is commensurate with a nuclear weapon," Alexander Rukshin, deputy head of Russia's armed force chief of staff, told Russia's ORT First Channel television.
"You will now see it in action, the bomb which has no match in the world is being tested at a military site," the report said. It showed a Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber dropping the bomb over a testing ground. A large explosion followed.
A vacuum bomb, or fuel-air explosive, causes widespread devastation. A typical bomb of that type is dropped or fired, the first explosive charge bursts open the container at a predetermined height and disperses the fuel in a cloud that mixes with oxygen. A second charge ignites the cloud, which can engulf objects or buildings.
"At the same time, I want to stress that the action of this weapon does not contaminate the environment, in contrast to a nuclear one."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Halo 3 brokes its previous sales record!

Halo 3 makes $170 million USD in first 24 hours

Long before Halo 3 hit retail shelves, Microsoft boasted that the launch would be the "biggest day in US entertainment history." Judging by figures compiled for the first 24 hours, they can now back that claim up.

According to a press release from Microsoft, Halo 3 has generated $170 million USD in its first 24 hours of US availability, making it the biggest launch day in the history of the US entertainment industry. The sales beat out the "Spider-Man 3" movie as well as the latest Harry Potter novel, although it must be said that the game is fairly more expensive than either a movie ticket or a hardcover book.

In every copy of the game Microsoft also included a 48-hour trial for Xbox Live, which likely helped drive September 25th to be the busiest day in XBL history.

Microsoft launches enterprise 'get legal' program

October 02, 2007 (Computerworld) -- Microsoft Corp. amped up its antipiracy campaign today, adding a program that targets large customers that need to "get legal" after being fingered for using counterfeit or illegally-applied volume licenses.

The program, dubbed Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA), plugs a hole in the company's antipiracy efforts, said Cori Hartje, the director of Microsoft's 18-month-old initiative to identify phony copies of Windows or instances of unlicensed use of the software.

"This fills in the entire picture," said Hartje. "Consumers who had been identified as running a counterfeit [version of] Windows could simply push a button and have the purchase made right then. But we didn't have a good way to programmatically address the same for larger-scale customers, particularly through the [reseller] channel."

GGWA uses Microsoft's standard volume licensing -- and therefore is designed for organizations that generally acquire the company's software through that venue -- to sell full licenses of Windows XP Professional. Most customers looking to get legal using GGWA would go through their existing channel reseller, Hartje said.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 security warning

Security warnings

  • We have been notified about e-mail messages that pretend to be sent by and claim that the recipient's RapidShare premium account has to be "validated". Those messages contain a link leading to a phishing website that looks like, but of course is a fake and only aims at stealing your account information. Do not enter your account information on that website. If you already did and your account was stolen, please contact us at
  • Generally you should never enter your login information on any websites other than Your account information would most likely be stolen.
  • If we ever contact you (apart from replying to messages you sent us) our message will at least contain your account number, if available. Additionally our messages will not contain attachments. If you are unsure whether a message is real or fake, just ask us (

Info Found here.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

google may soon be releasing Google phone shortly

Google may be releasing Google phone shortly Google (GOOG) is believed to
be "a fortnight away from the worldwide launch of its much-awaited Google Phone."

It is expected in the U.S. and Europe, and the only hurdle Google is yet to
cross is U.S. regulatory approval, which is expected shortly.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Germany cracks down on copying

Germany's upper house of parliament on Friday approved a controversial copyright law, which makes it all but illegal for individuals to make copies of films and music, even for their own use.
The Bundesrat pushed aside criticism from consumer protection groups and passed the law, which makes it illegal for anyone to store DVDs and CDs without permission. The law also covers digital copies from IPTV and TV broadcasts.

Consumer groups and the Green Party had campaigned in vain to include an exemption, so that the measure would not criminalize youths and other private users. The law is set to take effect in 2008.

The law goes beyond previous legislation brought in by the government to help the entertainment industry. Germany's federal justice minister Brigitte Zypris claimed that the legislative reform brought Germany into line with European Union codes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Yahoo spreading trojans???

In another example of how legit and mostly decent companies can have their user trust abuse in in this latest scandal involving Yahoo. An ad company that Yahoo owns, Right Media, served up some particular advertisements several million times that ended up being loaded with Trojans. These ads, while all over the Internet, were most prominently featured on MySpace and PhotoBucket – not shady warez sites.
The issues began last month, and according to ScanSafe the articles were seen many, many times:
The banner ads, which were brokered by Right Media, were served an estimated 12 million times over a three-week period starting in early August, according to ScanSafe, a managed security provider. Earlier this year, Yahoo paid $650m to acquire the 80 percent of the company it didn't already own.

How exactly did this happen? Obviously, Right Media doesn't generate all the ads they send out – other companies make them, and advertise through them. It's up to Right Media, however, to sort through those ads and make sure they are clean. Apparently someone dropped the ball on that, with unscrupulous folks being able to turn their own check system against them:
hackers were able to circumvent these checks by programming the flash file not to attack machines associated with Right Media's internet domain.

Who's responsible here? Yahoo, for owning Right Media? Right Media, for letting the ads slip by? MySpace, for having the banner ads? I'm sure someone will want to end up suing over this, though truthfully the threats we face like this are part of the charm that is the Internet.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

How to fit 1TB of data on one CD-sized disc

Blu-ray and HD DVD have pushed the limits of optical storage further than anyone thought possible. But a new technology has emerged which makes Blu-ray's 50GB capacity look tiny. Mempile in Israel says it's able to fit an incredible 1TB of data onto one "TeraDisc" which is the same size as CDs and DVDs. That's 20 times the capacity of a maxed-out dual-layer Blu-ray disc.
The incredible capacity achieved using this new technology is made possible by employing 200 5GB layers, each one only five microns apart. The discs are completely transparent to the red lasers which are used in the associated recorder.
Prototypes have already been made to store up to 800GB of data, and Mempile says it will crack the 1TB barrier before moving on to build 5TB blue laser disks.
Dr Beth Erez, Mempile's Chief Marketing Officer says that the first 1TB disks have a lifespan of 50 years and could be on the shelves in two to three years.
On a 1TB disc, you could store
212 DVD-quality movies
250,000 MP3 files
1,000,000 large Word documents

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mozilla Aims To Warn Users About Dangerous Sites

The next version of Firefox will identify malware on Web sites and make users stop and think about it.
With the number of malicious Web pages mushrooming over the past several months, the Mozilla Foundation is looking to help users defend themselves. Window Snyder, who is Mozilla's "chief security something-or-other," says the company is taking a two-pronged approach.
First, Mozilla developers are working on giving Firefox 3.0, the next version of the open source browser due later this year, the ability to detect malicious code on Web sites that users are trying to access. "In Firefox 2, there's no mechanism that identifies if malware is present," says Snyder.
Second, developers are working on creating an interface that will warn users that the pages they're trying to call up are dangerous. "We don't want to just pop up an alert that gives them an OK or cancel option," says Snyder. "We want to create a warning that users won't mistake. ... It's going to be a different kind of warning, and it's not going to be a click-through."
Security company Sophos reported last month that the number of malicious Web sites has skyrocketed over the past few months, from 5,000 new ones a day in April to nearly 30,000 a day in early July. One reason, according to Sophos researchers, is that hackers are increasingly turning away from e-mail as their preferred method of spreading malware and putting their focus on malicious sites. In some cases, they're creating their own sites, but in most cases they're hacking into legitimate sites and embedding malware into them.
The mock-up of the alert appears as a red-letter warning that doesn't have a click-through option, and the malicious page wouldn't be able to load. It's still a work in progress, and it could change dramatically before Firefox 3.0 ships, Snyder says. Technicians are debating whether there should be an override mechanism that lets users go to malicious pages regardless of the danger.

AMD plots 16 core super cpu for 2009

AMD is preparing an all-new PC processor with up to 16 execution cores. Due out in the first half of 2009, the new architecture is codenamed Bulldozer. In an official announcement, AMD said Bulldozer will be its first substantially new CPU core since the original Athlon 64 processor of 2003. And it'll be the first ground up architectural redesign since the K7 Athlon of 1999.
In that context, it's likely the Bulldozer architecture will provide the foundations of AMD CPUs for many years to come. In other words, the architecture is rather important. The news is the latest in a flurry of announcements from AMD's PR machine in the past week. AMD has already revealed plans for a second-gen quad-core processor known as Shanghai and demoed its upcoming Phenom quad-core desktop chip running at 3GHz.
Meanwhile, the world is still waiting for Barcelona, AMD's first generation quad-core CPU , to appear. AMD has promised that Barcelona will launch later this August.
But what about Bulldozer? The big news is that it will form the basis of AMD's first massively multi-core PC processor with up to 16 execution cores. Bulldozer will also be fully compatible with AMD's so-called M-SPACE modular CPU design.
Along with traditional PC processors, therefore, expect to see AMD Fusion CPUs powered by Bulldozer cores but also offering a range of specialised processing units. Think graphics processing cores and high-definition video decoding engines and you'll get an idea of the sort of additional functionality Bulldozer-based Fusion processors will deliver.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Engineers develop a mind-controlled prosthetic arm

More than 130 veterans of the Iraq war now face the daunting challenge of learning to live with a missing arm. To make that transition easier, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, has launched a $55-million project that pools the efforts of prosthetics experts nationwide to create a thought-controlled bionic arm that duplicates the functions of a natural limb. If all goes well, by 2009 the agency will petition the Food and Drug Administration to put the arm through clinical trials.
This summer the team hit a critical milestone when it finished Proto 2, a thought-controlled mechanical arm—complete with hand and articulated fingers—that can perform 25 joint motions. This dexterity approaches that of a native arm, which can make 30 motions, and trumps the previously most agile bionic arm, the Proto 1, which could bend at the elbow, rotate its wrist and shoulder, and open and close its fingers. A person wearing a Proto 2 could conceivably play the piano.
The next steps are to shrink the battery, develop more-efficient motors, and refine the bulky electrodes used to read electrical signals in muscles. As for making actual music, the wearer is on his own
How it Works
Control System
Researchers are experimenting with injectible myoelectric sensors (IMES) that detect muscle activity and wirelessly transmit commands to the prosthetic arm. The setup eliminates bulky electrodes glued to the chest. A wire coil wrapped over the shoulder supplies wireless power to the implants and relays signals to computers in the prosthetic that decipher the command and tell the arm to move. The team is also considering implanting electrodes directly on nerves—or in the brain itself—to achieve more natural neural control by 2009.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Google Earth given celestial view

The constellations of Andromeda, Hydra and Vulpecula are now just a mouse click away for amateur star-gazers, following the launch of Google Sky.

The tool is an add-on to Google Earth, a program that allows users to search a 3D rendition of our planet's surface.
Sky will allow astronomers a chance to glide through images of more than one million stars and 200 million galaxies.
Optional layers allow users to explore images from the Hubble Space Telescope as well as animations of lunar cycles.
"The basic idea is to take Google Earth and turn it on its head," Ed Parsons, Geospatial technologist at Google told the BBC News website.
"So rather than using it to view imagery of the Earth, use it to view imagery of space." Dr John Mason of the British Astronomical Association, Britain's largest body for amateur astronomers said: "Light pollution and air pollution is now so bad in many areas that all you can see when you look up is a few dozen stars.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

PlayStation to record digital TV

PlayStation 3 (PS3) users in Europe will soon be able to record and playback digital TV on their console.
Sony has unveiled a TV tuner which plugs into the PS3 and turns it into a personal video recorder like Sky+.

PlayTV for PS3 is a twin TV tuner that will launch in early 2008 in the UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain with other countries to follow.
Recorded programmes can be streamed over a wireless internet connection to the portable PSP or transferred permanently to the handheld console via a USB cable. In a statement, David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, said PlayTV would extend the "broad entertainment credentials of PS3".

Sony also used the conference to give more details of a video chat and instant messaging system for the PSP, called Go!Messenger, developed in conjunction with BT in the UK.

PSP users in Europe will be able to send messages, and video chat with each other once the software behind the tool is released in January. Sony also unveiled a GPS add-on for the PSP, called Go!Explore, and said a UK video download service for the console, developed in conjunction with Sky and called Go!, would launch in the UK in January.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR

Tokyo, October 1, 2007 - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation announces today that it will launch the Lancer Evolution X high-performance 4WD sedan, newest of the company's legendary vehicles, on October 1 at dealerships throughout Japan. Featuring a new platform, engine, and exterior and interior designs, the totally redesigned

The development goal for the new Lancer Evolution X was to make the car as fast as possible, while also making it as safe to drive as possible. To that end Lancer Evolution X is loaded with the very latest in automotive engineering technology, including the S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control) vehicle dynamics control system and the newly developed, power-efficient Twin Clutch SST (Sport Shift Transmission). Lancer Evolution X is a new-generation high-performance 4WD sedan that allows a new category of driver access to Mitsubishi's dynamic driving experience by underpinning speed with control, security and safety.

All Lancer Evolution X GSR models are fitted with the S-AWC vehicle dynamics control system. The system intelligently manages several component systems to regulate drive torque and braking force at each wheel, reading and reflecting driver intent in real time over a wide range of situations. This allows drivers of all abilities to enjoy sporty driving with peace of mind.

Sporting the S-AWC and Twin Clutch SST and other cutting-edge automotive technology as well as a more comprehensive functional and convenience equipment specification, the GSR trim level (also available with a 5-speed manual transmission) leads the new Lancer Evolution X lineup. The lineup also continues to offer the RS competition base model, with a less comprehensive and simplified equipment specification to reduce weight to a minimum.

The exterior is crafted with sophisticated and aggressive styling to give the low-and-wide squat stance body an aerodynamically clean profile that flows liquidly from the inverted-slant nose over the roof to the tail end, using wind-tunnel proven aero parts. The oversize rear spoiler - standard on the GSR - uses a twisted-section wing panel with different attack angles at its ends and in the center portion to match the airflow over the body surface. A large undercover rectifies underbody airflow for better aerodynamics and also improves drivetrain cooling. The underside of the rear bumper employs a diffuser design that helps to exhaust the underbody airflow more effectively and also adds a distinguishing touch to the rear view.

The interior design places emphasis on functional and operational elements to encourage and allow the driver to concentrate on operating his machine while at the same time realizing levels of comfort and quality that expected in a new-generation sports sedan. Seats are done by Recaro - well-known for providing excellent location, hold, and for alleviating fatigue on longer journeys - with a new full bucket front seat design. Lancer Evolution X uses a small diameter steering wheel

Lancer Evolution X is powered by a new turbocharged engine that adds a high-performance turbocharger to the 4B11-type 2.0-liter 4-cylinder 16-valve DOHC MIVEC unit used in the Galant Fortis. Developing more power over the full rev range, this engine generates more torque at 422 Nm (43.0 kg-m)/3500 rpm and has better response than its 4G63 predecessor. The new engine is also lighter and returns better environmental performance.

The GSR is available with the new Twin Clutch SST 6-speed automated manual transmission that eliminates the need for a clutch pedal and provides slick, smooth shifting. Twin Clutch SST puts odd (1st, 3rd, 5th) and even (2nd, 4th and 6th) gears on separate input shafts each with its own clutch and, through tight cooperative control with the engine, switches between these clutches to realize seamless and lightning-fast shifting for feel-good acceleration. Because it uses clutches rather than a torque converter to transmit power, Twin Clutch SST allows superior power transmission efficiency with little loss of motive power and returns excellent fuel economy. Twin Clutch SST models are fitted as standard with steering column-mounted lightweight magnesium paddle shifters that allow the driver to shift manually without taking his hand off the steering wheel. For drivers who enjoy having more direct control over their machine, the GSR is available with a new 5-speed manual transmission.

While based on the MacPherson strut front and multi-link rear suspension arrangement used on previous models in the series, Lancer Evolution X features a revamped suspension layout with wider tracks and 18-inch tires. Geometry optimization and greater stiffness in the mountings maximizes the contact patch and allows S-AWC to perform to its full potential as well as bringing improved straight line stability, cornering and ride.

GSR comes standard with 245/40R18 wide and low-aspect tires on 18-inch Enkei 12-spoke high-rigidity cast alloy wheels. 18-inch BBS lightweight alloy wheels are also available as a factory-fitted option for GSR and add a distinctive custom touch with a luster finish. GSR comes standard with brembo 18-inch front and 17-inch rear ventilated disc brakes. The increased disc size improves stopping power and fade resistance as well as improving brake pedal feel.

The factory-fitted High Performance Package comprises the Bilstein single tube shock absorbers and Eibach coil springs used on Lancer Evolution IX MR. It also includes brembo 2-piece disc brakes that realize a saving of 1.3 kg at each wheel and high performance tires

The GSR trim level comes with Mitsubishi Motors' own 4WD vehicle dynamics control system S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control) standard. S-AWC uses integrated management to exert high-precision control on drive torque and brake force at each wheel to enhance cornering and stability under all conditions thereby producing vehicle behavior that faithfully reflects driver intent. The Active Center Differential uses an electronically-controlled hydraulic multi-plate clutch to optimize front/rear wheel torque split and thereby produce the best balance between traction and steering response.

AYC uses a torque transfer mechanism in the rear differential to control rear wheel torque differential for different driving conditions and so limit the yaw moment that acts on the vehicle body and thus enhance cornering performance. AYC now features yaw rate feedback control using a yaw rate sensor to more accurately determine the cornering dynamics on a real-time basis. And the addition of braking force control allows the system to realize vehicle behavior that more closely mirrors driver intent.

In Detail
engine Type 4B11 Aluminum Inline-4
position Front Transverse
aspiration Turbocharged & Intercooled
valvetrain DOHC, 4 Valves per Cyl w/MIVEC VVT
fuel feed Injection
displacement 1998 cc / 121.9 cu in
bore 86 mm / 3.39 in
stroke 86 mm / 3.39 in
compression 9.0:1
power 220.0 kw / 295 bhp @ 6500 rpm
hp per litre 147.65 bhp per litre
bhp/weight 191.93 bhp per weight
torque 422 nm / 311.3 ft lbs @ 4400 rpm
redline 7000
drive wheels 4WD w/S-AWC, AYC, ASC
body / frame Until Steel
front brakes Vented Discs w/4-Piston Calipers
f brake size 351 mm / 13.8 in
rear brakes Vented Discs w/Twin-Piston Calipers
r brake size 330 mm / 13.0 in
front wheels F 45.7 x 21.6 cm / 18 x 8.5 in
rear wheels R 45.7 x 21.6 cm / 18 x 8.5 in
front tire size P245/40R18 93Y
rear tire size P245/40R18 93Y
steering Rack & Pinion w/Hydrualic Assist
f suspension MacPherson Strut w/Forged Control Arms, Bilstein Shock Absorbers, Eibach Coil Springs
r suspension MultiLink Strut w/Bilstein Shock Absorbers, Eibach Coil Springs
weight 1537 kg / 3388 lbs
wheelbase 2650 mm / 104.3 in
front track 1545 mm / 60.8 in
rear track 1545 mm / Not Availabl in
length 4495 mm / 177.0 in
width 45974 mm / 1810 in
height 37592 mm / 1480 in
transmission Twin Clutch SST 6-Speed Automated Manual or 5-Speed Manuall
gear ratios 3.655:1, 2.368:1, 1.754:1, 1.322:1, 1.008:1
final drive designed for smooth operation; its genuine leather wrap provides a positive and comfortable fitment to the hand. For optimum operability the S-AWC mode selector is located on the left spoke. with stiffer walls and better grip. This package brings further improvements in grip, steering response, stability and cornering.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

2007 Mazda Taiki Concept

Oct 2nd, 2007 - The all-new, the Mazda Taiki concept car, equipped with a next-generation rotary engine will all be revealed by Mazda Motor Corporation at the 40th Tokyo Motor Show on 24 October 2007.

Mazda Taiki reflects one possible direction for a future generation of Mazda sports cars aimed at helping create a sustainable society. The fourth concept car in the Nagare design series, Mazda Taiki further evolves the flow theme to establish a breathtaking presence that clearly distinguishes it as the next in the series, and which visually expresses the atmosphere - called taiki in Japanese � that wraps the Earth in its protective mantle.

The basic proportions begin with the stretched coupe form of a front-engine rear-wheel-drive layout, the short overhangs, and the liberating feel of an all-glass canopy. The challenge to create ''a design that visually expresses the flow of air" was inspired by the image of a pair of Hagoromo � the flowing robes that enable a celestial maiden to fly in Japanese legend � floating down from the sky.

Inspired by Japanese koinobori � the decorative 'climbing carp streamers'� the notion of creating an Air-tube became the concept word for the interior design. In accordance, from the dashboard and seats down to the door trim, the interior space creates the dynamic sensation that the flow of the wind is being visually depicted.

Centering around the performance rotary engine sports packaging that is synonymous with the Mazda name, technologies introduced for the Mazda Taiki include the next-generation RENESIS (rotary engine 16X), which sets new standards for environmental and driving performance, a front-engine rear-drive layout, a unique 2-seat configuration, and Mazda's rotary sports package, which conveys an image of lightness. The effect integrates the design theme perfectly to realize outstanding aerodynamic performance.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

USB 3.0 to increase speed upto 10x

During Patrick Gelsinger's keynote at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) today, Intel made a small announcement regarding a group of companies who are now working together to create a "superspeed personal USB interconnect" with 10 times the speed of the current generation technology of USB 2.0. The USB 3.0 Promoter Group -- which consists of Intel, Hewlett-Packard, NEC Corporation, NXP Semiconductors, Microsoft and Texas Instruments -- looks to make several other major changes.

Along with the 10x speed difference between USB 3.0 and the current generation, the USB 3.0 Promoter Group is taking power consumption and better protocol efficiency into consideration while designing 3.0. USB 3.0 will be able to use the same architecture of wired USB, though no other specific details are yet available.

To help drive home the importance of USB technology, Gelsinger pointed out the usual USB devices everyday users have in their homes and offices: keyboards, mice, speakers, cameras, etc. He also introduced a number of novelty items that are powered by USB including refrigerators and mittens.

"USB 3.0 is the next logical step for the PC's most popular wired connectivity," said Jeff Ravencraft, Intel technology strategist and USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) president. "The digital era requires high-speed performance and reliable connectivity to move the enormous amounts of digital content now present in everyday life. USB 3.0 will meet this challenge while maintaining the ease-of-use experience that users have come to love and expect from any USB technology."

Specific USB 3.0 specifications should be available sometime in the first half of 2008.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

AMD's Tripple Core CPU

Coincidence ? One day ahead of Intel's Developer Forum the news about the tripple core processor is now officially confirmed by AMD and is seems our initial idea about it was correct. It's is a quad-core CPU with one (defective) core disabled. Have a peek at the AMD press-release. AMD's Phenom triple-core processors are expected to be the first PC processors to integrate three computational cores on a single die of silicon and are expected to ship in the first quarter of 2008. The x-86-based desktop processor will complement AMD's Phenom quad-core processors, which the company introduced in May and remain on schedule to ship in 2007. Utilizing the Direct Connect Architecture, the triple-core Phenom features an integrated memory controller and a shared L3 cache. Like the quad-core Phenom, the mid-market CPU also supports HyperTransport 3.0 and up to 16GB/sec of high bandwidth I/O as well as Cool‘n’Quiet 2.0 technology that enables independent frequency adjustments to each processor core, and the HyperTransport bus and memory controller.

SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- September 17, 2007 --Delivering a multi-core triple threat, AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the addition of AMD Phenom™ triple-core processors to its desktop roadmap. AMD Phenom triple-core processors, expected to be the world’s first PC processors to integrate three computational cores on a single die of silicon, can help deliver the visual experience, performance and multitasking capabilities of true multi-core technology to a broader audience. Offering state-of-the-art platforms and a next-generation architecture with expected availability in Q1 2008, the industry’s only x-86 triple-core desktop processor shows why AMD’s the smarter choice, with its expanded portfolio for customers to offer platforms with unique multi-core options. AMD Phenom quad-core processors remain on schedule to ship in 2007.

“With our advanced multi-core architecture, AMD is in a unique position to enable a wider range of premium desktop solutions, providing a smarter choice for customers and end users,” said Greg White, vice president and general manager, Desktop Division, AMD. “This innovation is a direct result of our development of the industry’s first true, native quad-core design, coupled with AMD’s manufacturing flexibility, to create multi-core processors in two, three, and four computational core configurations on a single die of silicon. As a customer-centric company, AMD is committed to working with our OEMs to deliver compelling value propositions across their multi-core product families with capabilities that address their requirements and aspirations.”

AMD Phenom processors with three cores are a response to demand for increased performance delivered by multi-core processors when running state-of-the-art applications. According to Mercury Research, quad-core processors represented less than two percent of desktop shipments in Q2 2007. AMD believes this suggests a need for a wider selection of multi-core solutions. Triple-core AMD processors may stimulate broader multi-core adoption with a product family that scales to more points-of-entry for the customer.

“Microsoft is excited to see AMD creating new technologies like the AMD Phenom triple-core processors,” said Bill Mitchell, corporate vice president of the Windows Hardware Ecosystem at Microsoft Corp. “We see potential for power and performance improvements through triple-core processing in the industry and are exploring with AMD the possibility of taking advantage of this in the Microsoft family of products.”

The true multi-core design of the upcoming AMD Phenom processor family of products, based on Direct Connect Architecture, features an integrated memory controller, accelerating performance for productivity, content creation, entertainment, and gaming. In addition, this next-generation architecture includes AMD’s Balanced Smart Cache for rapid access to memory, with a shared L3 cache for leading-edge performance on multi-threaded software. With HyperTransport™ 3.0 and up to 16 GB/second of high bandwidth I/O, upcoming AMD Phenom processors are designed for the ultimate visual experience with amazing HD video and gaming resolutions, as well as high-speed disk and network interfaces. In addition, Cool‘n’Quiet™ 2.0 technology enables independent frequency adjustments to each processor core, and the HyperTransport bus and memory controller for a cooler and quieter PC.

AMD Phenom triple-core processors are expected to deliver increased performance for multitasking usage models and multi-threaded applications, aligned with similar benefits available with the upcoming AMD Phenom quad-core processors. In addition, triple-core processors from AMD can provide significant performance advantages over similar dual-core AMD processors in key industry standard benchmarks, including SYSmark® 2007 and 3DMark™ 2006, as well as similar quad-core AMD processors in certain gaming and digital content creation scenarios.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Access Web 24x7 On Mobile(idea) Free

This is ultimate scheme for those who want to access web 24*7 free.
Take ur gprs enabled handset and go to first to and download opera mini 4 beta and 2 rs wil be deducted. Let allow the settings to go and accept it. Now ur opera mini is downloaded and use only this application to access net on phone free. Currently 'idea' number support it .

Friday, July 20, 2007

Iso hunt - trackers blocked to US users

Due to their ongoing lawsuit from the MPAA, the admins at the popular torrent search engine IsoHunt will be blocking US visitors on their TorrentBox and Podtropolis trackers.

According to an IsoHunt statement,

"As of earlier today, we have disabled access from users in the US to our trackers. This goes for ALL trackers (torrentbox, podtropolis) we run. This is due to the US’s hostility towards P2P technologies, and we feel with our current lawsuit brought by the MPAA, we can no longer ensure your security and privacy in the US. So, if you’re outside the US, you may notice less peers. We encourage you to add other public, unhampered trackers to torrents you post, in addition to Torrentbox and Podtropolis’s trackers."

This is the second time recently that sites have been forced to block access to US users including last month's shut down of TorrentSpy.

The MPAA believes that the only purpose of these trackers and engines is to share unauthorized copyrighted content, but the owner of IsoHunt does not agree. “We process copyright takedown requests daily, and have done so for hundreds of requests in the past, if not thousands. We work with all copyright owners, and even the RIAA email us routinely. The MPAA is the only organization unwilling to cooperate with us.”

Friday, July 13, 2007

china virus threat: almost 1 million affected!!

Almost one million Chinese computers were hit by viruses during last week's national holidays, state media has reported.

Three different types of viruses attacked computers during the holiday week, Xinhua news agency said.

It is not the first time China's web users have faced problems recently.

A Pacific earthquake damaged undersea cables earlier this year, slowing down internet lines and forcing many people to start using their old fax machines.

China has more than 130 million internet users - and last week should have been a perfect time for them to catch up with their web surfing.

There was an entire week of national holidays - known as the Golden Week - so most people were off work with plenty of time to spend at home online.

But for some internet users, there were real problems. Nearly one million computers crashed as a result of the viruses.

But in other ways, experts suggest that parts of China's computer system are working extremely well.

Recently, there have been repeated allegations that the Chinese army has hacked its way into sensitive government systems in the US and Europe.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Caution : Cyber crime tool kit out in market!!

Malicious hackers are producing easy to use tools that automate attacks to cash in on a boom in hi-tech crime.
On sale, say security experts, are everything from individual viruses to comprehensive kits that let budding cyber thieves craft their own attacks.
The top hacking tools are being offered for prices ranging up to £500.
Some of the most expensive tools are sold with 12 months of technical support that ensures they stay armed with the latest vulnerabilities.
Mr Eades said some hacking groups offer boutique virus writing services that produce malicious programs that security software will not spot. Individual malicious programs cost up to £17 (25 euros), he said.
At the top end of the scale, said Mr Eades, were tools like the notorious MPack which costs up to £500.
MPack has proved very popular with criminally minded groups and in late June 2007 managed to subvert more than 10,000 websites in one attack that drew on the tool.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Google search tips - part 5

Open your Google search and type in the following in the search

.pdf OR .chm OR .txt site: -deleted

.Avi OR .mpg OR .mpeg -deleted

.cab OR .exe OR .rar OR .zip -deleted

Some More:

allintitle:"index" .pdf

allintitle:"index" .jpg

allintitle:"index" .avi

allintitle:"index" .rar

"hacking windows.rar" "password"

^This hack will tell google to look for the password on that file into any site with the name of that file.

In human language these hacks reads:

1) i'm looking for any pdf file OR any chm file OR any text file in the following site: i don't want any page with the word "deleted"

2) i'm looking for any avi file OR any mpg file OR any mpeg file in the following site: i don't want any page with the word "deleted"

3) i'm looking for any cab file OR any executable file OR any winrar OR any zip file in the following site: i don't want any page with the word "deleted"

Llike rapidshare and megaupload, u can search for any particular extension at any site u want.

Also You can change the string to watever you want, ex. microsoft to adobe, iso to zip etc…

Hope this is useful!!
Good Luck!

Google search tips - part 4


Here are some tips to how i find eBooks with Google:

Say...Find Apache's (default) Index page
Try this query:
+("index of") +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +apache

Find a particular eBook file :
Try this query
allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle of the book

Google search tips - part 3

When you do a google search you have to realize that what you enter in the search dialogue is turned into a database query. Start with the word representing the most specific general description of your query and add increasingly specific terms which will act as a filter for the results returned. The more specific you make your search the smaller the number of hits you'll get.

Heres are the ways to get a better results:

# " + " Searches
Google ignores common words and characters such as "where" and "how", as well as certain single digits and single letters, because they tend to slow down your search without improving the results. Google will indicate if a common word has been excluded by displaying details on the results page below the search box.

If a common word is essential to getting the results you want, you can include it by putting a "+" sign in front of it. (Be sure to include a space before the "+" sign.)

Another method for doing this is conducting a phrase search, which simply means putting quotation marks around 2 or more words. Common words in a phrase search (e.g., "where are you") are included in the search.

For example, to search for Star Wars, Episode I, use:
[quote]Star Wars Episode +I[/quote]

# " - " Searches
Sometimes what you're searching for has more than one meaning; "bass" can refer to fishing or music. You can exclude a word from your search by putting a minus sign ("-") immediately in front of the term you want to avoid. (Be sure to include a space before the minus sign.)
For example, to find web pages about bass that do not contain the word "music", type:
[qoute]bass -music[/quote]

# Phrase Searches

Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks. Words enclosed in double quotes ("like this") will appear together in all results exactly as you have entered them. Phrase searches are especially useful when searching for famous sayings or proper names.

# "OR" Searches
Google supports the logical "OR" operator. To retrieve pages that include either word A or word B, use an uppercase OR between terms.

Google search tips - part 2


Fun with


Check out the following Google search strings:







It's interesting to see what Google will turn up given the right string... Poke around, and have fun


Great Tip For Mp3 Searching On Google,

go to google copy and paste in

?intitle:index.of? mp3


and after mp3 put in an artist or album or whatever and hit enter... what you get is lists of downloadable mp3s


?intitle:index.of? mp3 santana


Another trick:


Replace "Warez" with "Gamez" "Mp3" anything you like....


"parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " /mp3/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " /warez/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

and.. so on...

Google search tips - part 1

Here are a few search tips that get me in the back door to many PC's and it's completely legal.

For those of you that are familiar with the inner workings of secure servers (password protected) you already know that there is usually an image or two that are actually secure and when the html page attempts to load them you get the password screen prompting you to log in. These tips and a little imagination can have you downloading whatever your heart desires in no time (mp3's, videos, pics, programs, etc.).

I will just post a few of the strings I use and let your imagination go wild. I find that giving to much info feeds the lazy and I am not into that at all.

1. Use this in quotations "index of" This is probably the most powerful of all when combined with other words.
a. Some of the porn sites and other heavy search engine advertisers have gotten wise to this form of search and have started putting links to their porn (pop up sites) within these searches. A way to combat this is to ad a few swear words to the "without the words" box under advanced settings.

2. Want to search a site that don't have a search engine or won't put their good stuff on it if they do? Put this phrase exactly site: in front of the search string and put the site immediately after. You can use this url if that is confusing:
or just go to advanced settings and look for the domain option. Pay close attention to the keywords that the advanced search area puts in your search bar, as many of these commands can be combined in the bar but not in the advance search area. An example of this would be: You can have several exact phrases ( "words inside quotations" ) by just putting quotations around more than one statement in search bar.

3. If you want to narrow down the "index of" search you can ad "parent directory" in quotations as well.

4. OK, here is a test string to show just how powerfull this search is. "index of" mp3 eminem Keep in mind that you only want to click on links that look like this:
Index of /mp3
Index of /music/Eminem - Eminem Show
Index of /tstech/audio

The Index of will be in "BOLD" , be the starting words and will have forward slashes often times follow by more slashes.

This link gives a good demonstration of this in action.
Take note of the information I put in the search box. The first 12 links on this example are all good.

5. I won't give away everything. Given these tips and desire, I think most will be getting it all with Google in no time.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A rare lunar Eclipse!

yes my friends this lunar eclipse was a special one. As you might have seen the moon turned shades of amber and crimson Saturday night as it passed behind the Earth's shadow in the first total lunar eclipse in three years. The eclipse was least partly visible from Asia to the Americas, although those in Europe, Africa and the Middle East had the best view.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

In-car technology drives forward

They say many things about the Americans, but one thing that is true is that they love their cars - and they love accessorising them too.

Car park
Finding a free parking space could soon become easier

In-car technology, or telematics, is a thriving business in the Unites States. At the recent CES technology show in Vegas they showed-off dashboard TV screens to watch whilst you waited for a parking space.

But other technology aims to make sure that you don't even have to wait.

Big city car parks are often full, so one US satellite radio station is aiming to stream information about space availability directly into the cockpit.

"There are hundreds of different parking garages spread across the United States where the garage owner has computer technology to tell them which spaces are empty or full," said David Butler of XM Satellite Radio.

"We are tapping into that information and sending it to your navigation system. The map will tell you where the parking garages are located, and how many empty spaces they have."

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is at the core of many in-car streaming information systems. One US device that relies on the technology is able to warn drivers about hidden speed cameras.

It compares the location of the vehicle with a database of known camera co-ordinates.

European drivers are already familiar with the idea, but the next step is to deliver more detailed knowledge about a car's environment to the person behind the steering wheel.

"There are lots of kinds of visual information that we see happening in the future," said Dave Marsh of manufacturing company Cobra Navigation.

"Things such as school zones, railway crossings, dangerous intersections, blackspots, those kinds of things. In the future those kinds of things will be detected by this kind of detector."

Portable gadgets

You can also expect to see a lot more portable navigation units that are integrated with many other features in the car, from the CD player to Bluetooth devices.

One snap-in, snap-out screen controls them all.

"With portable on-demand we're able to have the full functionality of an AM/FM CD, Bluetooth, iPod capability, as well as a portable navigation system that we can take with us at any given point," said Ed Meenan of Eclipse.

Probably the most important slot on your dashboard at the moment is the cigarette lighter and charger, but it is about to be joined by a USB port.

Sync is a new joint initiative by Microsoft and Ford. Once your gadgets are connected by USB or Bluetooth, the system phonetically reads all the information in your gadget's database, which you can quickly access by simply talking to it using the latest voice recognition technology.

Of course you can scrap the radio altogether and just rely on a petrol pump for your music - there are pumps that allow downloads into your car via wi-fi.

So now you can pump and play songs at the same time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mahindra Scorpio Sales Up

Mahindra & Mahindra have just come out with a press release that they have now sold over 30,000 Scorpios (Mahindra Scorpio, their SUV) in 2006.

The company sold close to 25,000 Scorpios in 2005 and were expecting a rise in sales figure for the calendar year 2006. The noises coming from the company are very positive as we also know they are coming out with a mid-size sedan called ‘Logan’ in a Joint Venture with Renault, the European carmaker.

The upside for this company is huge, so lets wait and watch for the new offering from Mahindra and Mahindra in 2007.

Maruti Swift Diesel Coming Soon!

We had earlier reported that Maruti was planning to launch the diesel version of the Maruti Swift and that has infact become a reality now.

In an interview with Business Standard, Maruti officials spoke on this topic regarding the specifications of the Maruti Swift Diesel. The car will be priced at close to Rs. 4.5 lakh ex-showroom Delhi.

The ‘Maruti Swift D’ is going to be powered by a 1.3 litre multijet Fiat engine. The company had earlier decided that they would not be manufacturing units of the Esteem diesel and the Zen diesel. The price of the Swift diesel is just Rs. 50,000 more than the base version of the Swift Petrol LXi model.

MUL has seen the rise in diesel cars which currently are 30% of the total vehicals sold in the country. According to various studies, this figure is only going to rise and could go as high as 40-50% by 2010.

Instant viewing -- Netflix delivers over the Web

LOS GATOS, California (AP) -- Netflix Inc. will start showing movies and TV episodes over the Internet this week, providing its subscribers with more instant gratification as the DVD-by-mail service prepares for a looming technology shift threatening its survival.

The Los Gatos-based company plans to unveil the new "Watch Now" feature Tuesday, but only a small number of its more than 6 million subscribers will get immediate access to the service, which is being offered at no additional charge.

Netflix expects to introduce the instant viewing system to about 250,000 more subscribers each week through June to ensure its computers can cope with the increased demand.

After accepting a computer applet that takes less than a minute to install, subscribers will be able to watch anywhere from six hours to 48 hours of material per month on an Internet streaming service that is supposed to prevent piracy.

The allotted viewing time will be tied to how much customers already pay for their DVD rentals. Under Netflix's most popular $17.99 monthly package, subscribers will receive 18 hours of Internet viewing time.

The company has budgeted about $40 million this year to expand its data centers and cover the licensing fees for the roughly 1,000 movies and TV shows that will be initially available for online delivery.

Netflix's DVD library, by comparison, spans more than 70,000 titles, one of the main reasons why the mail is expected to remain the preferred delivery option for most subscribers.

Another major drawback: the instant viewing system only works on personal computers and laptops equipped with a high-speed Internet connection and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system. That means the movies cannot be watched on cell phones, TVs or video iPods, let alone computers that run on Apple Inc.'s operating system.

Despite its limitations, the online delivery system represents a significant step for Netflix as it tries to avoid obsolescence after the Internet becomes the preferred method for piping movies into homes.

"This is a big moment for us," Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings as he clicked a computer mouse to quickly call up "The World's Fastest Indian" on the instant viewing service. "I have always envisioned us heading in this direction. In fact, I imagined we already would be there by now."

Besides preparing Netflix for the future, the instant viewing system also gives the company a potential weapon in its battle with Blockbuster Inc. As part of an aggressive marketing campaign, Blockbuster has been giving its online subscribers the option of bypassing the mail and returning DVDs to a store so they can obtain another movie more quickly.

Since its 1999 debut, Netflix has revolutionized movie-watching habits by melding the convenience of the Web and mail delivery with a flat-fee system that appealed to consumers weary of paying the penalties imposed by Blockbuster for late returns to its stores.

After first brushing off Netflix as a nettlesome novelty, Blockbuster has spent the past few years expanding a similar online rental service that provoked a legal spat over alleged patent infringement.

Netflix has been able to maintain its leadership so far, building so much momentum that the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., abandoned its efforts to build an online DVD rental service in 2005.

In the last three years, Netflix has signed up nearly 5 million more subscribers to become increasingly profitable. Although Netflix will not report its 2006 earnings until later this month, analysts believe the company made about $44 million last year, up from $6.5 million in 2003.

Despite the company's growth, Netflix's stock price has dropped by more than 40 percent over the past three years, shriveling to $22.71 at the end of last week.

The erosion largely reflects investor misgivings about Netflix's long-term prospects.

Once it becomes more practical to buy and rent movies within a few minutes on high-speed Internet connections, few consumers presumably will want to wait a day or two to receive a DVD in the mail. If that happens, Netflix could go the way of the horse and buggy.

Online movie delivery already is available through services like CinemaNow, MovieFlix, Movielink, Vongo and Inc.'s recently launched Unbox. Apple Inc. also is emerging as major player, with hundreds of movies and TV shows on sale at its iTunes store and a new device that promises to transport media from a computer to a TV screen.

But none of those online services have caught on like Netflix's mail-delivery system, partly because movie and TV studios generally release their best material on DVDs first. The studios have had little incentive to change their ways because DVDs still generate about $16 billion of highly profitable sales.

Like already existing online delivery services, Netflix's "Watch Now" option offers a lot of "B" movies such as "Kickboxer's Tears." But the mix also includes critically acclaimed selections like "Network," "Amadeus," "Chinatown" and "The Bridge On the River Kwai."

The studios contributing to Netflix's new service include NBC Universal, Sony Pictures, MGM, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers, Lion's Gate and New Line Cinema.

"We are going into this with the knowledge that consumers want to watch (media) in various ways and we want to be there for them," said Frances Manfred, a senior vice president for NBC Universal. "For now, though, we know television is the vastly preferred option."

With its eight-year-old service on the verge of mailing out its billionth DVD, Netflix has been in no rush to change the status quo either.

But Hastings realizes Internet delivery eventually will supplant DVD rentals shipped through the mail, although he thinks it will take another three to five years before technological advances and changing studio sentiment finally tip the scales.

By then, he hopes to have 20 million Netflix subscribers ready to evolve with the service.